Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Get Your Best Bridal Gown Body

Most brides are busy. Between work (or school), wedding planning -and- trying to maintain a personal life, when is there time to exercise?!? But since everyone wants to look good on their wedding day (and in that bikini on the honeymoon) getting into shape is not something you should brush aside. Besides it's good for you! There's no better time than now to start getting your arms toned and abs tightened. Not only will you look great, but even doing 20 minutes of exercise a day will give you more energy and help relieve some of the stress caused by bridal planning.

I currently work as a management consultant which means frequent travel, long hours sitting in front of a computer and little-to-no personal time. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is if I can find time to exercise, so can you :) Below are a few videos I like to alternate between. All three can be found on for ~$9-13 each - much cheaper than a gym membership! Two feature Jennifer Galardi, one of my personal favorites since her videos incorporate a lot of dance moves into them. Also, for those of you who think you don't have time to do a video every day, two of these are just for you. Both 10 Minute Solution and Trim and Tone Fast let you personalize your workouts by combining as many or as few short workouts into one. This is a great feature since sometimes we get busy and may only have 10-20 minutes to other words, these videos don't let you make excuses to skip a day of working out. Also, since these two videos use resistance bands instead of bulky weights, you can easily pack everything in your suitcase if you're traveling somewhere. Simply run the video off your laptop and get into shape in your hotel room (can you tell I've done this before?).

Bridal Gown Body - Videos for Busy Brides

From Left to Right:

  • Dance off the Inches - Hip Hop Party on Amazon
  • 10 Minute Solution - Dance it Off & Tone it Up! on Amazon
  • Self - Trim and Tone Fast! on Amazon

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