Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wedding Accessories: SoleMates

I found an interesting accessory today when I was perusing wedding websites. It's a little piece of plastic called a "SoleMate" that slips over the heel of your pump to enable you to walk down a grassy or cobblestone aisle with ease. They are offered up at a cost of $11.95 a pair (you can order from the SoleMates website shown below).

After wearing pumps to many outdoor weddings and tiptoeing through the grass for fear I'd aerate the lawn, I'm tempted to buy a pair to try them out. However, I'm not yet convinced they'd completely work. And I don't know if I like how they look - but I guess you'd just slip them off as soon as the grassy portion of the wedding was over...

The SoleMates Heel Savers

1 comment:

  1. I can assure you, these work! They do not slip off the shoe, they grip the heel to ensure their effectiveness. They are amazing. Definitely visit, to sample some.
